Let’s talk! The enormous amount of waste in our oceans must leave no one complacent. For this reason, we issue regular new bulletins via our social media channels. Become part of the OceanYarn® family.
Let’s talk! The enormous amount of waste in our oceans must leave no one complacent. For this reason, we issue regular new bulletins via our social media channels. Become part of the OceanYarn® family.
MEISTER & CIE AG Rüegsau | Lützelflühstrasse 40 | CH-3415 Rüegsauschachen | Schweiz | Tel. +41 (0)34 460 55 55 | Fax +41 (0)34 460 55 50 | Privacy / Imprint
OceanYarn® is a registered trademark of Meister & Cie AG